The type of time period was created to define the different rules of use. They can last from a few days to several months. This notion is used to set up different modes of functioning according to the period of the year such as the summer period, the winter period, the school term, the holiday period, etc.
This notion is used to define different rules of reservation. Then, you can decide to apply these rules for a few days or for several months (summer period, winter period). A time period can be applied to all the resources or only some of them.
All year long, everything stays the same: the hours of operation of your fields, courts or courses never change; the duration of the time slots, the prices, the off-peak hours, the resources that can be reserved online… all this never changes, so you have only one type of time period:
There are elements that change according to the season (winter or summer): the operating hours of your resources or any other notion (such as duration of time slots, prices, peak hours, resources that can be reserved online…) change in the winter and in the summer. You can set up time periods like this:
By default (any time period that is not summer)
By default (any time period that is not winter)
By default (any time period that is neither summer nor winter)
There are elements which vary between the school term and the holiday term in your club: the hours of operation of your resources or any other notion changes between the school term and the holiday term. You can set up time periods like this:
By default (any time period that is not a holiday term)
Holiday term
Some clubs being in the one of the situations described above define different rules for competition times. As they have fewer fields, courts or courses available, they shorten the time of the reservation or they reduce the possibilities of reserving online.
reservations/settings/types_of_time_periods/index.txt · Dernière modification: 2012/07/18 16:31 par agnes