
Key information

The reservation settings and parameters modules are closely related:

  • the settings will allow you to create notions
  • the parameters will allow you to specify these notions to apply your own rules


The resource is the most important item in reservation: this is what people reserve. The bases of reservation are to manage the schedule of users according to rules.

Synonym of "resource"

resource, ground, court, field, room, grounds, courts, fields, rooms

What is a resource made for?

Every resource is associated with a schedule so you can manage reservations. Resources are also used to specify all the rules (parameters) which apply to its use. Finally, it can indicate statistics of use.

Where can I manage resources?

Adding, editing and deleting

You can add, edit or delete a resource in the “reservation” section, then choose the “settings” module and the “resources” menu.

Defining the rules applied to a resource

You can define the rules applying to a resource in the “reservation” section, then in the “parameters” module and in all the menus.

Reserving a resource

You can reserve a resource in the “reservation” section, then in the “manage reservations” and in the “schedule” and “advanced reservation” menus. Resources can also be reserved in the members' area and via external services (ExtraClub iPhone application, ExtraClub WebApp, reservation centers using API).

Statistics on the use of resources

You can view or export statistics of use in the “reservation” section, under the “data” module in the “statistics” menu.

Characteristics of a resource

Category: The resource category is the same as a type of resource. It is used to arrange resources on the schedule.

Name: This is the name of the resource as it will be displayed on the schedule and on all the interfaces that can be used to make a reservation via Internet, iPhone, etc.lo

Public resource: If you check the “Yes” box, people will be able to see and check the availability of the resource on the schedule via Internet, iPhone, etc.

You can specify if the resource is available to members in the “Parameters” module. The “Public resource” option only means that it will be displayed on the schedule and on the list of available resources.

You can also set a reserved resource to “public” to show members that it is reserved.

Virtual resource: More

Resource type: Choose a type among your pre-defined list.

Description: This area is only visible here. You can use this field as a reminder or to add a comment.

Examples of use


Here is a standard example of the various resources we can find on a golf club.

For a course

  • Category: Course
  • Name: The Magic Woods
  • Public resource: yes
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “9-hole” ou “18-hole”

For a seminar room

  • Category: Seminar room
  • Name: Room #1
  • Public Resource: no
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “Rooms”


Here is a standard example of the various resources we can usually find on a tennis club.

For a tennis court

  • Category: Indoor courts / Outdoor courts
  • Name: Court #1
  • Public resource: yes
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “Clay” ou “Grass” ou “Carpet” ou “Concrete”

For a seminar room

  • Category: Seminar room
  • Name: Room #1
  • Public resource: no
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “Rooms”


Here is a standard example of the various resources that we can usually find on a squash club:

For a squash court:

  • Category: Courts
  • Name: Court #1
  • Public resource: yes
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “Squash court”

For a seminar room

  • Category: Seminar room
  • Name: Room #1
  • Public resource: no
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “Rooms”

Futsal / Indoor soccer

Here is a standard example of the various resources that we can usually find on a futsal or indoor soccer club:

For a field:

  • Category: Field
  • Name: Field #1 (2vs2)
  • Public resource: yes
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “2*2 Field”

For a seminar room:

  • Category: Seminar room
  • Name: Room #1
  • Public resource: no
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “Rooms”

Multisport club

Here is a standard example of the various resources that we can usually find on a multisport club:

For a court or a field

  • Category: Outdoor, Indoor, 2nd floor, [Name of building], etc.
  • Name: Indoor Soccer #1 (3vs3), Squash #2 or Tennis #1…
  • Public resource: yes
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “Tennis Court”, “Squash Court”, “Indoor soccer field”

For a seminar room:

  • Category: Seminar room
  • Name: Room #1
  • Public resource: no
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “Rooms”


Here is a standard example of the various resources that we can usually find on a fitness club:

If you want to allow members to reserve classes with a specific trainer:

  • Category: Trainers
  • Name: Emily Summers
  • Public resource: yes
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “Trainers”

If you want to allow members to reserve a class but not taught by a specific trainer:

  • Category: Rooms
  • Name: Room #1
  • Public resource: yes
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Type of resource: “Rooms”

If you want to allow the reservation of a device (PowerPlate, Bike, Aquabike…):

  • Category: Devices
  • Name: Bike #1
  • Public resource: yes
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “Bikes”

Other sports

Here is a standard example of the various resources that we can usually find on a club:

If you want to allow members to reserve classes with a specific trainer:

  • Category: Trainers
  • Name: Emily Summers
  • Public resource: yes
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “Trainers”

If you want to allow members to reserve a class but not taught by a specific trainer (start time of a tree-to-tree adventure course for instance):

  • Category: Rooms or type of activity
  • Name: Room #1 or Name of Activity
  • Public resource: yes
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “Rooms” or type of activity

If you want to allow the reservation of a device (Windsurf board, Kite surf board, go-kart…):

  • Category: Type of device
  • Name: Name and number of the device
  • Public resource: yes
  • Virtual resource: no
  • Resource type: “Type of device”
reservations/settings/resources/index.txt · Dernière modification: 2012/07/18 16:17 par agnes