Creation of closings

Key information

The reservation settings and parameters modules are closely related:

  • the settings will allow you to create notions
  • the parameters will allow you to specify these notions to apply your own rules

What is a "closing"?

To get to know the notion, please read the settings of the types of closings.

Information you need to provide

A closing is defined by:

  • a type of closing
  • a start date and time
  • an end date and time
  • the resource(s) to which it applies

What are closings made for?

This notion is used to schedule the unavailability of one or several resources on the schedule and to show the reason why it is closed.


Your club closes the resource #1 for 2 months because of work.

Add a closing:

  • Type of closing: Work
  • From: July 1st 2011
  • To: August 31st 2001
  • Resources: Resource #1


Another way to set up a "closing"

Most clubs rather make an advanced reservation on a field or court to block it and not define a closing. This function is not really used.

Key words: Block a resource, close a resource, work on a resource, close a field, close a court, work on a field, work on a court

reservations/parameters/closings/index.txt · Dernière modification: 2012/07/18 16:06 par agnes