The “hours of operation” menu in the “Parameters” module is used to define the opening and closing hours of the resources you want to manage on the “Schedule” menu, the online reservation of members or the reservation via a mobile phone. This menu is related to the hours of operation; that is to say to change the color of the time slot to green on the schedule and the possibility for the club’s staff to make a reservation. The limitations of the hours for the online reservations or for the various member types are defined in the “Reservation system”.
You can view, add, edit or delete hours of operation in the “Reservations” section, then choose the “Parameters” module, and the “Hours of operation” menu.
It is used to define precisely the hours of operation when a resource is open to reservation depending on the type of time period and the days of the week. This menu gives you a great flexibility in defining your hours of operation.
The hours of operation are moved to relieve the locker rooms or the front desk or to better adapt to the hours when the clients leave work (between 12 and 2 or between 5:30 and 7pm). You can move your resources of 30 minutes.
Add several hours of operation and combine them with the preceding examples:
Name: Start at 8
Type of time period: select all the time periods
Start time: 8 am
End time: 7 pm
Days: check all the boxes
Resources: Check resources #1 to #4
Name: Start at 8:30
Type of time period: select all the types of time period
The best way to determine when you need to start the day is first to determine when the busiest time slots start. If your busiest hours start at 12:20 (giving time to workers to leave work and to arrive at the club) and if your time slots last 1 hour or 40 minutes, your day needs to start at 8:20 am; if your time slots last 45 minutes, you need to start the day at 8:35 am.
The best way to enter hours of operation is to use duplication. You can duplicate an hour of operation by clicking on the blue “+” on the right of the row and edit the information and save. When you have finished entering the hours of operation of a time period, you can duplicate them for another one.
Tags: duplicate hours of operation, copy hours of operation
For some clubs, there may be a great number of hours of operation (several dozen). To find the one you need, you can sort the information contained in the columns (click on the heading of the column) and the name given to each hour of operation.
The time slots you have scheduled follow one another starting from the beginning of a time slot. If you want to, on a single resource, offer a 40-minute time slot that starts at 12:20 (in order to welcome people leaving work at 12) and offer another time slot at 6:30 (for the same reasons), you can set up a first hour of operation for the morning which starts at 8:20 and finishes at 1:40, then you can set up another one that starts at 1:50. In that case, you only lose 10 minutes you seldom use on your schedule but this distribution best meet your needs.
reservations/parameters/hours_of_operation/index.txt · Dernière modification: 2012/07/18 16:10 par agnes