Creation of time slots

Key information

The reservation settings and parameters modules are closely related:

  • the settings will allow you to create notions
  • the parameters will allow you to specify these notions to apply your own rules

What is a "time slot"?

This is the major notion in reservation. The time slot corresponds to the red (or another color) box that a reservation occupies on the schedule. It defines its duration, the number of people who can reserve and the number of names required.

Information you need to provide

A time slot is defined by:

  • Name: Giving a name to your time slot will help you find your way around on this page.
  • Type of time period: Select the types of time periods when this time slot will apply.
  • Reservation type: Choose the reservation type(s) you want to apply this time slot to.
  • Duration: from… to / by blocks of… example: the time slots that a person can reserve must last at least 30 minutes and at most 2hours and they can only reserve multiples of 30 minutes comprised between 30 minutes and 2 hours; that is to say: 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1 hour and 30 minutes or 2 hours. In this case, you need to select: from 30 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes by blocks of 30 minutes. If you want time slots lasting one hour only, select from 1 hour to 1 hour by blocks of 1 hour.
  • Available every: It allows you to specify the time between two starts of a time slot
  • No. of players: allows you to specify the minimum number of people required on a time slot as well as the maximum number
  • Max. No. of guests: allows you to define the maximum number of guests for a reservation. If you do not want to allow guests to reserve, enter 0. The “guest” function allows a member or an employee at the front desk to reserve for someone without providing a name.
  • Member type quota: allows you to specify the minimum and maximum number of a certain member type for a reservation. It is very useful to manage time slots such as classes where a trainer and an attendee are required. It is also useful to force children to reserve with adults.
  • Default player type: It is used in soccer / football and allows ExtraClub to automatically fill in (after you click on confirm) all the names that were not entered to reach the minimum number of people reserving when choosing “guest”.
  • Default player name: allows you to specify the name that will appear in the box associated with “guest”. For instance: “Unknown”.
  • Generic player name: corresponds to the names of columns or rows of a schedule for a single resource. Usually, the name used is “Player” or “Reservationist”. It is only used for the display.
  • Multiple reservations allowed: allows you to specify if the reservation reserves the entire time slot or only entries on a given time slot. For instance, if a person reserves a field or a court for an hour then, select “no” (for sports such as squash, tennis, football, soccer, badminton, kite-surfing, wind-surfing). If the time slot can welcome up to 4 people and each of these people can make his or her own reservation and be with people they don’t know then, select “yes” (for sports such as golf, fitness classes or any other sport requiring a reservation).
  • Reservation can be edited for… after the reservation was made and at the latest… before the reservation: This option allows you to specify how much time after a reservation was made a person can edit or cancel it. Attention, the most restrictive rule always applies.
  • Days: Days of application of the time slot (holidays are the days you have entered in “Settings”, “Holidays”.)
  • Member types: Member type(s) who will have access to this time slot
  • Group: Group who will have access to this time slot. If you want the member of a group to have access to the time slot, his or her member type must have access too.
  • Resources: resources associated with this time slot.

What are “time slots” made for?


1. Golf

Standard settings

For golf clubs, it is rather easy: there is usually one time slot, for a golf having a 18-hole course which offers tee times every 10 minutes:

  • Name: 18-hole
  • Type of time period: All time periods
  • Reservation type: 18 holes
  • Duration: from 10 min to 10 min, by blocks of 10 min
  • Available every: 10 minutes
  • No. of players: 1 to 4
  • Max No. of guests: 3
  • Member type quota: [blank]
  • Default player type: [blank]
  • Default player name: [blank]
  • Generic player name: Golfer
  • Multiple reservations allowed: Yes
  • Reservation can be edited: for 99 days after the reservation and at least 0 minutes before the reservation
  • Days: every day
  • Member type: All member types (it will allow the administrator to make a reservation with any other person even if that person does not theoretically have the authorization)
  • Group: [blank]
  • Resources: All courses

Start from Hole #1 and start from Hole #10

Golf clubs having only one 18-hole course and wishing to offer the reservation starting from the hole number 10 must create 2 resources (in “Settings” then, “Resources”) “Start from Hole #1” and “Start from Hole #10” and 2 types of reservations (“Settings”, “Types of reservation”): “9-hole course” and “18-hole course”.

You need to create 2 time slots following the example of a standard time slot but changing the following information:

  • Name: 18-hole
  • Reservation type: 18-hole
  • Resources: Start from Hole #1
  • Name: 9-hole
  • Reservation type: 9-hole
  • Resources: Start from Hole #10

End-of-day reduced price

Golf clubs wanting to offer a reduced price at the end of the day because golfers will not have the time to complete an 18-hole course must create another reservation type called “end-of-day”. They will also need to make changes in time periods, prices and reservation system. The time slots you need to create are identical to the standard time slot except for the following information:

  • Name: 18-hole
  • Reservation type: End of day
  • Resources: Start from Hole #1

Different rules for online reservation and reservation at the front desk

Many golf clubs set up different rules for online reservation and reservation at the front desk: people can reserve 3 days in advance online but 2 weeks in advance at the front desk, reservation with guests forbidden online…

In the latter case, you must double the number of your reservation types and time slots (in “Settings”, “Type of reservation”). You need to create “18-hole” and “18-hole internet”, “9-hole” and “9-hole internet” and so on. You also need to create a new time slot for each reservation type and provide different number of guests allowed as opposed to the standard time slot:

  • Name: 18-hole front desk
  • Reservation type: 18-hole
  • Max No. of guests: 3
  • Name: 18-hole online
  • Reservation type: 18-hole online
  • Max No. of guests: 0

2. Racket sports: tennis, squash and badminton

Standard time slot

For most clubs offering racket sports, it is rather easy. You usually find 1 single time slot lasting 45 minutes (or any other length) that is available every day of the week, all year long and which starts every 45 minutes on all courts.

  • Name: Standard time slot
  • Type of time period: all time periods
  • Reservation type: Normal reservation
  • Duration: from 45 min to 45 min by blocks of 45 min
  • Available every: 45 min
  • No. of players: 2 to 4
  • Max No. of guests: 3
  • Member type quota: [blank]
  • Default player type: [blank]
  • Default player name: [blank]
  • Generic player name: [blank]
  • Multiple reservations allowed: No
  • Reservation can be edited: for 99 days after the reservation was made and at the latest 0 minutes before the reservation starts
  • Days: every day
  • Member types: All member types (it will allow the administrator to make a reservation with a person even if he or she does not theoretically have the authorization)
  • Group: [blank]
  • Resources: All courts

Letting the players choose the duration

Some clubs want to allow the players choose the duration of their reservation, for instance 40 minutes, 1 hour or 1 hour 20 min. You need to set up the duration adequately. All the other information remains the same as the standard time slot above.

  • Duration: from 40 min to 1h20min by blocks of 20 minutes

You could also create 3 different standard time slots: one lasting 40 min, the second one lasting 1 hour and the last one lasting 1 hour 20 minutes.

Attention, if you want to avoid creating blanks on your schedule, check that the durations you set up are multiples and that the duration of the block is equal to the shortest duration.

Letting the players choose the start time

Some clubs want to allow players choose the start time of their reservation. For instance, you can choose to offer reservations every 20 minutes. So, if your club opens at 8 o’clock in the morning, the 1st person who wants to reserve can choose to start between 8, 8:20, 8:40, 9 o’clock…

To let players do this, you need to specify the “Available every” option. All the other information remains the same as the standard time slot above.

  • Available every: 20 minutes

This way of functioning means that blanks may appear on your schedule between 2 reservations. To avoid blanks, please read the preceding note.

Offering different durations to some members or for doubles

In your club, you wish to favor some members who pay more or who have a very good rank and allow them to reserve alone or to reserve a longer time slot. In order to do this, you need to create 2 time slots with the same options as the standard time slot but with the following information:

1st possibility:

  • Name: Standard time slot
  • No. of players: 2 to 4
  • Member type: All member types except VIPs
  • Group: [leave blank]
  • Name: VIP time slot
  • No. of players: 1 to 4
  • Member type: VIP member type (The VIP member type must have been created in the “Members” section, then in the “Settings” module, and in the “Member types” menu)
  • Group: [leave blank]

2nd possibility:

  • Name: Standard time slot
  • No. of players: 2 to 4
  • Member type: All member types
  • Group: [leave blank]
  • Name: VIP time slot
  • No. of players: 1 to 4
  • Member type: All member types
  • Group: Select the VIP group (The VIP group must have been created in the “Members” section, the “Members” module, and in the “Group” menu. It also must be added as a custom field on your members’ details).

Setting up different rules for online reservations and reservations at the front desk

Many clubs set up different rules for online reservation and reservation at the front desk: people can reserve 3 days in advance online but 2 weeks in advance at the front desk, reservation with guests forbidden online…

In the latter case, you must double the number of your reservation types and time slots (in “Settings”, “Type of reservation”). You also need to create a new time slot for each reservation type and provide different number of guests allowed as opposed to the standard time slot:

  • Name: Front desk reservation
  • Reservation type: Front desk tennis or Front desk squash or Front desk badminton
  • Max No. of guests: 3
  • Name: Online reservation
  • Reservation type: Online tennis, online squash or online badminton
  • Max No. of guests: 0

3. Indoor soccer / Futsal

Standard time slots

Indoor soccer clubs usually have to set up several time slots as the number of people varies: 3vs3, 4vs4… So you need to create as many time slots as there are types of fields, but you need to create the corresponding types of reservation first (in “Settings” and “Types of reservations”).

  • Name: 3 vs. 3 Futsal
  • Type of time period: All time periods
  • Reservation type: 3 vs. 3 Futsal
  • Duration: from 1h to 1h by block of 1h
  • Available every: 1h
  • No. of players: 6 to 8 (It allows you to enter at least 6 names but no more than 8)
  • Max No. of guests: 7
  • Member type quota: [leave blank]
  • Default player type: Guest (it allows you to ask for the name of the person who is reserving and to fill in his or her reservation with 5 guests whose names will be added later if need be)
  • Default player name: Unknown (the 5 guests will be displayed as “unknown”)
  • Generic player name: [leave blank]
  • Multiple reservations allowed: No
  • Reservation can be edited: for 99 days after the reservation was made and at latest 0 minutes before the reservation starts
  • Days: every day
  • Member types: All member types (it will allow the administrator to make a reservation with a person even if that person does not have the authorization)
  • Group: [leave blank]
  • Resources: All 3 vs. 3 soccer fields

Then, you need to create other time slots for the other types of fields. The elements you need to change are:

  • Name: 4 vs. 4 soccer
  • Reservation type: 4 vs. 4 soccer
  • No. of players: 8 to 10 (it allows you to enter at least 8 names but no more than 10)
  • Max No. of guests: 9
  • Resources: All 4 vs. 4 soccer fields

Then, process like this for each type of field.

Offering several durations


reservations/parameters/time_slots/index.txt · Dernière modification: 2012/07/18 16:14 par agnes