Creation of hour ranges

Key information

The reservation settings and parameters modules are closely related:

  • the settings will allow you to create notions
  • the parameters will allow you to specify these notions to apply your own rules

What are "hour ranges"?

To get to know the notion, please read the settings of the types of hour ranges.

Information you need to provide

An “hour range” is defined by :

  • Name: Choose a name that is clear to avoid confusion
  • Type of time period: the types of time period which will be affected by this hour range.
  • Type of hour range : types of hour range that you are specifying
  • From: start time of the hour range
  • To: end time of the hour range
  • Days: Days affected by the hour range (holidays are defined in “setting” ⇒ “holidays”)
  • Types de reservation: type of reservation affected by this hour range
  • Member types : types of members that are affected by this hour range
  • Groups: group affected by this hour range. For an hour range to apply to a person, his or her member type must also be affected by the hour range.
  • Resources: resources affected by this hour range

What are "hour ranges" made for?

Thanks to hour ranges, you can adapt the prices of reservations according to a specific period of time during the day for a specific time period, day of the week, type of reservation, type of member, or resource. This function is widely used by clubs applying prices according to peak hours and off-peak hours.


This function is commonly used by squash and futsal / indoor soccer clubs.

For all the clubs which do not use this function, please read example #1.

In all the examples, we are presenting the situation of a multisport club. Each example shows a simple specific case. Most clubs will simply combine the various examples to fit their own needs.

Example #1

If your club do not use this function, please leave the default hour range as it is.

If you use this function, remember that when no specific hour range applies, the default hour range applies automatically.

Example #2

Peak hours and off-peak hour are always the same for every field / court.

If you consider that off-peak hours = default hours, you only need to set up peak hours. (You can do the opposite, or even set up peak hours and off-peak hours to get to the same result.)

You need to set up hour ranges like this:

  • Name: Noon peak hours
  • Type of time period: all types of time period
  • Type of hour range: peak hour
  • From 12 p.m.
  • To: 2 p.m.
  • Days: check all the days
  • Type of reservation: check all the types of reservation
  • Member types: check all the member types
  • Groups: do not check any group
  • Resources: check all the resources
  • Name: Evening peak hours
  • Type of time period: all types of time period
  • Type of hour range: peak hour
  • From: 6 p.m.
  • To: 9 p.m.
  • Days: check all the days
  • Type of reservation: check all the types of reservation
  • Member types: check all the types of member
  • Groups: do not check any group
  • Resources: check all the resources

Example #3

Peak hours and off-peak hours only depend on the day of the week.

Add the two following hour ranges: on the week-end, no hour range is specified so the default hour range will apply (the default hour range is considered as off-peak hours, like in example #2)

  • Name: Noon peak hours (week)
  • Type of time period: all types of time period
  • Type of hour range: peak hours
  • From: 12 p.m.
  • To: 2 p.m.
  • Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • Types of reservation: check all the types of reservation
  • Member types: check all the types of members
  • Groups: do not check any group
  • Resources: check all the resources
  • Name: Evening peak hours (week)
  • Type of time period: all the types of time period
  • Type of hour range: peak hours
  • From: 6 p.m.
  • To: 9 p.m.
  • Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • Types of reservation: check all the types of reservation
  • Member types: check all the types of members
  • Groups: do not check any group
  • Resources: check all the resources

Example #4

Peak and off-peak hours can also depend on the types of reservation. In a club offering squash and futsal / indoor soccer activities, peak hours are from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. during the week for squash and from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. during the week for futsal / indoor soccer.

Add the two following hour ranges:

  • Name: Noon peak hours (week)
  • Type of time period: all types of time period
  • Type of hour range: peak hours
  • From: 12 p.m.
  • To: 2 p.m.
  • Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • Types of reservation: squash
  • Member types: check all the types of members
  • Groups: do not check any group
  • Resources: check all the resources
  • Name: Evening peak hours (week)
  • Type of time period: all the types of time period
  • Type of hour range: hpeak hour
  • From: 6 p.m.
  • To: 9 p.m.
  • Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • Types de reservation: squash and futsal / indoor soccer
  • Member types: check all the types of members
  • Groups: do not check any group
  • Resources: check all the resources

Example #5

This function is not really used. Some clubs use it to define peak and off-peak hours depending on the type of their client, for instance, at times when students do not have class. Peak and off-peak hours depend on the member type. In a club offering “off-peak-hour” activities and “all-hour” activities (activities during peak hours and off-peak hours), a member who paid for an “all-hour” subscription will be able to reserve at any time for free.

You only need to add the peak and off-peak-hour hour ranges for people who have not subscribed to an “all-hour” subscription, and for others, the default hour range will apply all the time:

  • Name: Noon peak hours (week days)
  • Type of time period: all the types of time period
  • Type of hour range: peak hours
  • From: 12 p.m.
  • To: 2 p.m.
  • Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • Types of reservation: squash
  • Member types: check all the types of members
  • Groups: do not check any group
  • Resources: check all the resources
  • Name: Evening peak hours (week days)
  • Type of time period: all types of time period
  • Type of hour range: peak hours
  • From: 6 p.m.
  • To: 9 p.m.
  • Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
  • Types of reservation: squash and futsal / indoor soccer
  • Member types: check all the types of members
  • Groups: do not check any group
  • Resources: check all the resources

Example #6

Some clubs use the notion of resource to set up peak and off-peak hours. This situation does not happen often. Generally, setting up hour ranges according to the days of the week and the types of reservation is enough. Nevertheless, some clubs offer several types of reservation for a single resource like, for instance, a multi-sport room. Setting up hour ranges according to each type of reservation would be very long and tiring. As a result, it is easier to specify hour ranges on the resource. In our example, a peak-hour price will be applied to the multi-sport room from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. regardless of the activity.


Keep it simple

Few clubs use hour ranges. Most of them only specify days and types of reservation to set up hour ranges that are available for all time periods. Our advice is that you set up your rules with just these two criteria and if you need to make the rules more specific, you will always be able to go back and adjust your parameters.

Tags: setting up peak hours, setting up off-peak hours

reservations/parameters/hour_ranges/index.txt · Dernière modification: 2012/07/18 16:07 par agnes