This function is only available on the cash register interface you can find in the Shop section. You can only grant discounts when a ticket is open. You can specify the discount to grant when the ticket containing at least one product is displayed on the screen.
There are two ways to grant a discount:
You can select a product to which you want to apply a discount by clicking on its name appearing on the ticket (when you hover over the title, the row turns red—see example). You can also click on the “Discount” button placed below the ticket. This function will allow you to grant a discount on a specific product, on a group of products or on the global ticket (each product appearing on the ticket will be assigned the same discount).
If you click on the name of the product on the ticket, please read the page dedicated to the modification of a product.
Then, enter the amount of the discount or of the percentage you want to grant the client under the “Enter discount” field, check the type of discount (percentage or fixed discount) then hit “Confirm”.
You cannot assign different “types” of discount in a single operation. For instance, if you want to offer 10% off on hot drinks and 20% off on soft drinks, you will have to, first of all, select the products affected by the 10% discount, apply the discount and confirm. In a second move, click once again on the “Discount” button located below the ticket, select the products affected by the 20% discount, enter the figure and confirm.
As long as the ticket has not been closed or if it was not paid yet, it is still possible to cancel a discount to sell the product at its initial price. To delete a discount, you only need to click on the name of the product that you can find on the ticket or click on the row displaying the amount of the discount.
The “Current discount” box shows you the amount or the percentage of the discount applied to the product so far. ⇒
You only need to click on “Delete” to cancel the discount. The product will appear with its initial price on the ticket.
This process also allows you to edit the amount of a discount. Instead of clicking on “Delete”, enter the new percentage or another discount and click on “Confirm”.
shop/cash_register/cash_register/remise.txt · Dernière modification: 2012/10/10 15:39 par agnes