Table des matières

The Cash transactions tab of the drawer closing

Table of contents of the drawer closing

How can I go to this page?

You will find the Cash transactions tab in the Shop Section, by clicking on the Data module and on the “Drawer closing” menu.

Introduction to the page

Cash transactions tab

The “Cash transactions” tab of the drawer closing allows you to correct possible mistakes that were made during the service. Also, you can justify that a cashier took €300 during the service in order to bring them to bank because there was too much money at the club. On the contrary,you can justify that the cashier added €50 in cash because there was not enough change.

This screen allows you to choose the type of transaction you want to do: either a cash deposit or a cash drop. You only need to enter the amount of the transaction using your keyboard or the on-screen keyboard then select the type of transaction: “cash deposit” or “cash drop” by clicking on the corresponding box. You can also specify a date and time that are different from the moment when you enter the transaction. However, this date and time must not correspond to the date of a drawer closing that has been processed already. This function can be useful if you do not close your drawer out every day. If you close your drawer out every Sunday for instance, and if you know that the error occurred on Thursday, you can specify that the cash transaction occurred on Thursday so that it belongs to the right drawer closing. You can also add a comment to the transaction such as “change added” or “overpayment”.

Do not forget to confirm your changes!

Closing the drawer out

After all these verifications (that are not required, except for the Sales tab if there are any ticket, credit note or refund that is not closed), you can go back to the "General" tab to close your drawer out.

When you go back to the General tab after you have completed all these steps, do not change the date you have previously selected. If you do, it will reset all the verifications you have just made and you will have to start all over again!