Table des matières

Cash register tab of the drawer closing

Table of contents of the drawer closing

How can I go to this page?

You can access this page by going to the Shop section and by clicking on the Data module. Then, choose the “Drawer closing” menu and click on the “Cash register” tab.

Introduction to the page

Cash register tab of the drawer closing

This page allows you to check the cash contained in your drawer. You only need to count notes and coins you have in your cash register's drawer.

There are several means to achieve this operation. Some people count everything and do not take petty cash into account. On ExtraClub, we separate the amount of revenues in cash and the petty cash.

On the left part, specify how much money you are going to take to the bank. For each note/coin value, enter the number. The total for this value will appear in the “Amount” column.

On the right part, specify how much money you will keep as petty cash. Just as you did previously, enter the number of notes or coins for each value.

Keep in mind:

Revenues in cash + Petty cash = Global amount contained in the cash register

Once you have finished, the addition of the two parts must match the total that was automatically calculated by ExtraClub. If this is true, you can click on “Confirm” to save.

If this is not the case, maybe you have made a mistake when counting or maybe a payment method was not entered correctly.

What can I do if it doesn't match?

Wrong payment method

If you have entered a payment in cash although a different payment method was used, you can change the distribution. To do so, you can go to the List of movements (Shop Section, then Cash Register Module), search for this payment with the search tool and edit it.

Error when giving change back to the customer

If there is €1 missing in the drawer, you can correct this mistake by adding a cash transaction.

Other steps